How to Get Rid of a Male Yeast Infection Fast

How to Get Rid of a Male Yeast Infection Fast?

A yeast infection that affects the penis is known as a male yeast infection. Candida balanitis is the medical word for male yeast infections. Yeast infections are caused by the yeast species Candida. Inflammation or infection of the penis’s head (glans penis) is known as balanitis. The condition itself is not considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Although the organisms that cause balanitis can be spread from one person to another, the condition itself never.


Balanitis is a common cause of candidal infection in uncircumcised males (where there has been no surgical removal of the penis’ foreskin) due to poor personal hygiene. The warm, moist environment promotes Candida growth, causing erythema, irritation, edema, inflammation, and discomfort. Candida albicans, a fungal infection, is the most identifiable infectious cause.

Risk is higher in individuals with underlying medical conditions, poor hygiene, and uncircumcised men. Diabetes is the most commonly identified underlying contributing disorder.

Recognizing Symptoms of Male Yeast Infection:

Itching, soreness, burning, or discomfort of the glans penis are common symptoms. The head of the penis and the foreskin may be affected by discomfort, pruritus, irritation, oedema, ulcers, dysuria, sores, or other indications of inflammation. After having sex, these feelings frequently get worse.


Balanitis is a condition involving penile lesions, often diagnosed through visual examination. It’s primarily aimed at preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs), minimizing urinary and sexual function issues, and excluding penile cancer. Screening for STIs, HIV, HPV, and diabetes is recommended.

Home Remedies for Quick Relief:

To ease the irritation and inflammation of balanitis, you should:

  • Bathe often. Wash every day. Be sure to pull your foreskin back so you can clean the area underneath.
  • Avoid harsh soaps. Try not to use strong soaps or lotions that can irritate your skin.
  • Stay dry. After peeing, dry the area under your foreskin so you don’t trap pee under your foreskin.
  • Teach proper hygiene. Teach your child how to thoroughly clean their penis, especially if they have foreskin.

Over-the-Counter Treatments That Work

  • While clotrimazole or miconazole are usually used for adults, bacitracin ointment is more frequently utilized for children. Oral fluconazole and hydrocortisone cream may be necessary for more serious infections.
  • Antifungal topical treatments for generalized balanitis
  • Antifungals used orally or systemically for serious or incurable fungal diseases
  • Oral or topical antibiotics for bacterial infections
  • Topical corticosteroids for dermatological disorders that are not infectious

Preventing Recurrence of Infection:

Maintaining good hygiene is the first step in preventing balanitis. You should take frequent baths to avoid developing balanitis. Spend some time pulling back your foreskin, washing the underside with warm water, and then thoroughly drying it. To prevent getting a sexually transmitted infection that might lead to balanitis, always use a condom during intercourse.

Read Also: Signs of Yeast Infection During Pregnancy


Healthcare professionals and nurse practitioners must recognize prevalent penile skin disorders, as they are frequent, easily preventable, and can cause significant embarrassment for patients. Caregivers must recognize multiple male patients may feel embarrassed to discuss penile issues, especially with female healthcare providers. Routine examinations of this part of the body are crucial for early identification of manageable issues and implementation of appropriate hygiene practices, especially in older uncircumcised diabetics.


Wray, A. A., Velasquez, J., Leslie, S. W., & et al. (2024). Balanitis. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from

Douglawi, A., & Masterson, T. A. (2017). Updates on the epidemiology and risk factors for penile cancer. Translational andrology and urology, 6(5), 785–790.

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